Venture Building

Generate, validate
and develop AI ideas

Develop an MVP of a new AI product, service or automation with our software development services

How it works? 

We don't do a regular software development service. We take you by the hand through the whole innovation process - from investment decisions, through ideation process all the way to MVP development.

We analyse the best areas to invest in AI for your company
We help you to generate the right innovation ideas
We bring one selected idea into reality

Step 1

Strategic Foresight & Resource Audit

We help you to identify the right market area and use case for your future AI, analysing available technology corresponding to company's business & operational model.

Step 2

Idea Proof of Concept

Executive Summary, where you choose one of the two innovation use case options.

One important thing is - it's not a complete solution! In this part we define a high-level concept of use case, something like "AI LLM model for documentation browsing and operational optimisation".

How exactly will it be used... that's up to your employees. Who better knows their operational problems! 

Step 3

Idea Funding

We help you to apply for funding through our Fund Broker partner, so you can focus on innovating instead of worrying about the budget.

Step 4

Ideation Campaign

Our favourite step where all the magic happens!

We give you a platform to create an ideation challenge and manage ideas provided by participants.

Then we train everyone how to use it and how to ideate.
People dive into a 3-week campaign and bring new ideas on how to use your future AI tool / product, based on our PoC created in step 2.

Each idea can be verified and scored by other participants.
All ideas are reviewed in terms of technical feasibility.

Ideas with high feasibility score are analysed in terms of ROI impact. TOP 2 ideas with the highest score are winning.
We present the results of the campaign to campaign stakeholders and let them choose one of the two options.

You get additional insights regarding employee engagement and the level of company's innovation readiness.
MacBook mockup

Step 5

MVP Development

Based on the chosen idea, we prepare a solution development plan and... of we go!

Your new AI tool / product is now inbound.

Let's talk!

Specify the topic below or simply schedule a 30 min call to consult anything you want.

Check - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

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