14 hours

of the most critical AI business knowledge

Program goal

The complete workshop to enable AI skills in your company.

We put 100% focus on high-level business value understanding so everyone can easily grasp an idea behind AI value proposition, how it works and how it contributes to the overall business growth.



Introduction to AI 1 - Origins

Historical background and understanding of AI technology principles. We’ll start from 1936 and Alan Turing, explaining step by step how the idea of creating artificial neural networks evolved over time.

You will learn:
  • Where AI came from and how it evolved since 1936
  • To what extend neural nets actually mimic human brain functions
  • Why today’s AI technology is way easier to understand than people portrait it to be†
  • How to interpret the downfall of AI in70s and how NLP systems grew‰
  • How to identify similarities between expert systems bubble and GenAI


Introduction to AI 2 - Neural Networks

We’ll explain how neural networks do what they do, why we have so many of them and why there is no such thing as one size fits all. People will understand that basically AI technology hasn’t changed very much since 1986.

You will learn:
  • How Neural Networks are built and how it happens that they classify and detect objects?
  • What do we need to have another big breakthrough in AI and why LLMs are not that thing
  • How AI models are trained, stored and applied
  • Where companies take AI models from and how they apply them to business models
  • Why do we need so many different types of AI models and how to match them to particular business requirements

2024 AI technology in a nutshell

Everything you need to know about the current state of AI technology capabilities, trends and business pitfalls. You’ll learn how to define business value against the hype.

You will learn:
  • Discern business value amidst Ai hype and avoid common pitfalls
  • Analyze the 2024 AI hype curve to identify mass adoption versus early adopter applications
  • Understand the data requirements
  • Which trends have inflated expectations vs ROI

Effective Ai ideation principles

We'll work in groups to understand how to assess business values and manage AI idea portfolio. You will use GenAI and other tools to learn how to effectively turn ideas into future ROI.

You will learn:
  • Ideation methodologies, pitfalls and best practices
  • How to manage many ideas
  • How to verify idea feasibility and market potential
  • What metrics to use in order to decide whether using AI in a particular project is a good option

Strategic AI foresight workshop

Brainstorming session aiming to use specific frameworks and knowledge to build a beachhead AI opportunity for your company’s AI strategy. You’ll learn how to implement continuous foresight in the context of AI trends.

You will learn:
  • How to use the knowledge from session 03 and 04 in order to apply ideation methods in foresight process
  • You'll be able to effectively matchmake AI trends with business processes
  • How to recognise hype bias in your own decisions

Ethics and Safety in AI applications

Everything you need to know about ethics, compliance and safety to implement AI that helps your business instead of putting it at risk.

You will learn:
  • What are the most important regulations you need to know when applying AI business
  • How to make sure your AI application is ethical and compliant
  • You'll be able to recognise early risks to AI implementation in business

AI Prototyping: Early-Stage Design

You’ll work in groups to plan a prototype, based on ideas generated in session 04 and 05. This one will provide basic understanding of Design Thinking principles and the most common pitfalls of AI project implementation.

You will learn:
  • What do you need to actually make and implement an AI application?
  • You'll be able to make an implementation roadmap and assess time and money required to deliver it
  • You'll learn about basic AI implementation pipeline building blocks and best practices
  • What limitations, pitfalls and roadblocks you'll come across when building an AI application

Communicating AI concepts

Participants will learn how to communicate their AI ideas to customers and co-workers, based on value understanding from previous sessions.

You will learn:
  • How to explain AI concepts to non-technical people
  • How to pitch AI concepts to customers
  • What are to most common mistakes in AI sales

Demo Day: Corporate AI Venture

The Grand Finale, where groups will build their own ventures using knowledge, tools and ideas gathered during the course, with one specific task: sell your AI idea.

You will learn:
  • How to package and sell your AI idea - to anyone

Key outcomes:

Understand AI technology, how it works and why it hasn't changed very much since 1986
Gain comprehensive understanding of best industry practices for implementing AI, including GenAI
Learn how to make AI safe, reliable and cost effective, defining risk mitigation strategies
Enhance collaboration and communication skills to facilitate successful implementation of AI in the company

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